Dying Humanity
with Hendrik on Oct 29, 2007

Please introduce yourself and the band.
Hello Peter! My Name is Hendrik and I am the bass-player of Dying Humanity. Our singer is Marcus, the drummer is Danny and the both guitar heroes are Kai and Ken.

Tell me how you know each other.
Ken and me are the newest guys in the band. The other 3 dudes have made a little bit music together, before we joined them in spring 2006, so Kai, Danny and Marcus know each other a longer time. But in the time from April 2006 till now, we have made many stuff and had much fun together. If it’s possible, we try to hang out with the other guys. There is a great climate in the band between every member.

Who is the leader in the band?
There is not really leader, everybody has the same voice and jobs are split. If there are problems or anything else, we try to get a fair, democratic decision.

  How did you all learn to play so well?
I think everyone has spent a lot of time in learning his instrument in its basic ways and then to get a higher skill. Fun and joy in making music and playing an instrument and a good ambition to raise the own skill are certainly the facts why we try to play as much as possible.

What can we expect from you in the near future.
You can expect more new material from us, because we are about to write new stuff and we are going to play more shows and want to go on tour. Can you book us some shows?? ;-)

Who writes the songs?
Kai and Ken often come with new ideas, riffs or nearly finished songs. Then this stuff gets completed with the drums, bass and vocals and some parts maybe get changed. Mainly the song structures are made by the guitar players.

Which bands do you listen to these days.
Just right now, I’m listening to the unique “Blues for the Red Sun” Album from “Kyuss”. And these days I often listen to “The Black Dahlia Murder”, “Tool”, “As I Lay Dying” and “Mastodon”.

Have you got other interests beside this band.
Yes, I like to watch and play football/soccer and if it’s possible I go diving, but that’s very seldom. But most time I invest in the music.

Are there any touring plans this year?
We booked some shows in the UK in October, but we had to cancel them, because of some problems. Till the end of the year we are going to play some single shows in Eastern-Germany. Our management and label are trying to book us on a tour, so hopefully that will be settled in the forthcoming time!

What are your favourite bands?
Oh, that’s not easy, but I try to minimize my choice.

I would say Tool, The Black Dahlia Murder, Red Hot Chili Peppers (especially old funky stuff!), Necrophagist, Queens of the Stone Age are few of my favourites. You see, it’s quite different.

  What’s your album top three?
That’s much harder.

Tool – Lateralus
The Black Dahlia Murder – Unhallowed
Monster Magnet – Powertrip

  Is there something you want to say to your fans and readers of rockezine.com
Great Thanks for you support and we hope to see you at a show we hope to play in your near! Stay tuned, stay metal! =)

(Peter Vierwind)

© Rockezine.com Oct 29, 2007, viewed 2817 times since 666